Clothes To Pack On A Trip To Ethopia



Clothes To Pack On A Trip To Ethopia

Posted By : admin/ 420


Ethiopians are fairly relaxed when it comes to dress, but you should still dress reasonably well.

While things can be extremely relaxed in Addis nightclubs, outside the capital, loose-fitting, light casual wear is recommended.

Sunglasses, a cap, and high-factor sunscreen are advisable to protect against sunburn which is a major issue.

White clothing is strongly discouraged because of dust, mud, and sweat considerations.

During the day it is hot so our advice is to pack lightweight layers in natural fabrics such as linen, bamboo, and cotton that will keep you cool and are easier to wash and dry.

Avoid blue or black clothing as the tsetse flies are drawn to these colors, and their bite can give you African Sleeping Sickness.

Long pants and long-sleeved tops will protect you from the harsh sun and protect against mosquitoes at night.

Bring at least one set of warm clothes if you’ll be spending any time at all at altitude which includes much of the north as nights can be chilly.

Carry a small folding umbrella which is handy in case of rain and sun. Light rain gear is advisable although you often will find shelter to let the shower pass

Shoes To Pack

One pair of sturdy hiking boots with good ankle support is recommended. Durable shoes are essential and make sure all shoes are mud-friendly.

Clothing For Women

Leave your valuables and jewelry at home, you really won’t need them.

A skirt or loose-fitting pants are good in the heat and will protect you from the sun.

Clothing For Men

Pack light clothes for the daytime and a jacket or fleece sweater for the early morning and evening.

Pack For The Weather

The wet summer season of June, July, and August is when you can expect heavy rainfall, so pack a lightweight waterproof travel umbrella.

In Addis Ababa temperatures are warm all year and not uncomfortably hot, but it does get cooler at night.

Nighttime temperatures in the mountains can be particularly cold – so pack warm layers.